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Are your beliefs limiting your success?
Have you closed your gate on your brilliance through having unhelpful beliefs?

Would you like to learn a powerful process that can lead to rapid, lasting and empowering belief change?

Well in the September’s 90 Day Success Club workshop, I will introduce you to the Belief Gates Personal Empowerment System.

It is a simple and highly powerful 6 Step Belief Change programme to help you get out of your own way so that you can achieve your goals and dreams. This is done by changing the limiting and unhelpful beliefs and creating new, more powerful, helpful beliefs that open up the gates to our potential and brilliance.

Our beliefs will determine the results that we get or don’t get. They can be empowering and open up the gates to our brilliance and potential, or they can be debilitating and shut down those gates so we cannot access our inner brilliance. They are the difference between failure and success; happiness and unhappiness; being stuck and thriving; existing and living your dreams.

Our beliefs create or underpin our self-value and that in turn decides our value in business as well. So, changing our beliefs, changes our belief in ourselves, which then raises our value in all areas of our lives including in our business.

There are plenty of messages out there encouraging us to believe so that we can achieve our goals and dreams. However, we know that when we find ourselves in unfamiliar territory through perusing a goal or dream, we can experience some doubt, anxiety and uncertainty. When we do this, old patterns of thinking can come to the fore, closing those gates to our resourcefulness.

Learn how to open those gates and thrive by aligning your beliefs to your goals and dreams through this 6-step process.

Workshop Presenter:
Frances Lamb is a coach, mentor and trainer who draws upon her many skills and life experiences to help clients make positive changes.

Highly educated in a variety of effective methodologies and practices, Frances’ level of knowledge across multiple disciplines sets her apart. Frances is skilled in the techniques of Psych-K, hypnotherapy, coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Havening and more, and has the rare ability to ensure her clients receive exactly what they need to move forward.

Combining her theoretical knowledge and technical skills with practical coaching experience, Frances tailors her approach for outstanding results. Frances also possesses a huge amount of life experience to draw on. She’s traveled extensively and lived abroad. She’s served in the British Army, worked for the New Zealand Police and for Northern Ireland Probation Services and has held a variety of other roles within government organisations across the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and New Zealand.

Frances is a life coach and a master practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming. She also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Adult Education for Professional Development, is an extended DiSC consultant and a Havening Techniques ® certified practitioner.

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