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  • Members: $30.00 each
  • Non-members: $50.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply



All Ages

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Half the year nearly gone and how is your business looking right now?
Are you still on track with your goals and heading in the right direction?
Or have you started to slow down, get disheartened and lose motivation?

A lot has probably happened between when you set your goals in January and where you are now. Some things will have been amazing. Some things not so much.

Winter is a wonderful time to slow down the pace and think again about the big picture. It is a time to reflect even more deeply, tie up things and plant seeds for the next 90 days. As we move towards the spring, ask yourself how can you bring more light into your business? What do you want to nurture and grow going forward? How will you stay focused so that you can reap your rewards come summer?

The 90-Day Success Club provides you with the perfect opportunity to answer these questions in a nurturing environment. As we move through winter to spring, you will be supported by monthly zoom meetings and the members of the Club.

The 90-Day Success Club is an opportunity to reflect on your previous quarter and plan your next 90 days. It also provides ongoing monthly support through a zoom session.

Workshop presenter:
Frances Lamb is a coach, mentor and trainer who draws upon her many skills and life experiences to help clients make positive changes.

Highly educated in a variety of effective methodologies and practices, Frances’ level of knowledge across multiple disciplines sets her apart. Frances is skilled in the techniques of Psych-K, hypnotherapy, coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Havening and more, and has the rare ability to ensure her clients receive exactly what they need to move forward.

Combining her theoretical knowledge and technical skills with practical coaching experience, Frances tailors her approach for outstanding results. Frances also possesses a huge amount of life experience to draw on. She’s traveled extensively and lived abroad.

She’s served in the British Army, worked for the New Zealand Police and for Northern Ireland Probation Services and has held a variety of other roles within government organisations across the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and New Zealand.

Frances is a life coach and a master practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming. She also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Adult Education for Professional Development, is an extended DiSC consultant and a Havening Techniques ® certified practitioner.

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