2019 Mini Nationals
9 Willow St, Tauranga, Bay of PlentyTicket Information
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The 25th NZ Mini Nationals will be hosted by the Tauranga Mini Owners' Club Inc over Labour Weekend (25-27 October 2019).
The "Mini Nats" attract at least 100 Minis participating in fun, competitive and social activities including show & shine displays, rocker cover racing, district tours, navigation trials, hill climb and an awards and prize-giving dinner.
This event coincides with the 60th anniversary of the worldwide release of the Mini and our itinerary includes multiple opportunities to celebrate this iconic brand including a 60th birthday party on Saturday night. Everyone has a Mini story (or 3!) and we hope you will join us to share yours. Registration and evening events will be held at Hotel Armitage, Tauranga.
Free attendance to public events (e.g. Show n Shine at Cliff Road on Saturday morning). For those wishing to enter their Mini, registration (and payment of fee) is required.
Please visit our website for details.
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